Saturday 1 March 2014

What this course and blog is all about.

Beginning on the 3rd March 2014, a group of around 6 young adults (aged 15-18) from the Midlothian Routes programme will begin an investigation of Edinburgh's ghostly and gory sites. Over a period of 4 sessions we shall visit
  • Mary Kings Close
  • Surgeons Hall
  • Mercat Ghost Tours 
  • Edinburgh Dungeons.
Through this project the students will be working on developing their literacy skills in reading, listening, talking and writing. They will use this blog to post their reviews of each attraction and offer their thoughts and opinions on the audience and purpose of the attraction; its value for money; the content of attraction; the effectiveness of attraction; what they learned and whether they would recommend the attraction to others or not. These pieces will help them work towards their level 3 literacy qualification.

The blogs will be written in a nearby internet café so will feature advice and recommendations on the best stop for an after visit refreshment too!

We hope you enjoy reading about their progress and find the reviews useful!

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