Friday, 31 October 2014

Mary kings close

We went to Mary's kings close on the 31st of October, we were learning about the history of it we had to listen to everything the guide was saying about the ghosts and stuff.

We found out that they use to get taxed for having windows, they had to burn fish oil or animal fat for a smell in the room, I didn't think it was that interesting because I thought it was going to be scarier.

I think the dungeons will be better because its got more things to see we didn't really see anything and its more scary but we will soon see

I wouldn't have paid £12 for a ticket because I didn't think it was as good as they make it out to be.

Mary kings close

Today we visited Mary kings close we learned about what life was like in the 18th and 19th century the living condition and how where the lower class lived the was no sun light they had to if they had some money burn bees wax if the were skint the burned animal fat of fish oil. There was around 12 people living in these small rooms along with the smell of burning fish and body Oder there was also a bucket where people pood and peed and they could only empty their bucket 2 times s day once at 7am and the other at 10pm and they way the emptied there bucket was tossing it onto the street and shouting gardilo. The tour was informative but it was a bit over priced it was round about £13 but it was ok.

Mary Kings Close

Someone who likes history would enjoy Mary kings thought me about ghosts and history in Edinburgh.i would not recommend people to spend 12pound for the tour the guids are very friendly but not funny

Mary kings close

Today we went to Mary's kings close it was quite boring but if folk liked history they would like it it's not worth the money I didn't have a favourite part I didn't like it because I don't like history